



联系电话: 021-62233970

电子邮箱: bmeng@brain.ecnu.edu.cn


研究方向: 神经退行性疾病的分子机制


2019.2- 迄今        美国Emory大学药学院        访问学者

2014.1 - 迄今    华东师范大学脑功能基因组学研究所    高级工程师

2006.01-2013.12  华东师范大学脑功能基因组学研究所     工程师

2003.03-2005.12   华东师范大学脑功能基因组学研究所    助理工程师


  1. PS1/PS2 DKO小鼠为模型研究睡眠障碍对学习记忆影响的表观遗传学机制,上海市科委项目:(17ZR1408100)(2017.5.1-2020.4.30

  2. REGγ基因敲除致小鼠类精神分裂症及其分子机制的研究,国家自然基金青年基金项目(31100748)(2012.1-2014.12


  • 常规分子生化技术手段,如Western BlotRNAiELISA等,以及多组学研究及分析

  • 原代神经元培养;脑立体定位注射表达病毒介导的基因表达;

  • 动物认知及情绪相关的行为学检测及分析;


  1. L Zhang, H Dong, YW Si, N Wu, H Cao, B Mei*, B Meng*miR-125b promotes tau phosphorylation by targeting the neural cell adhesion molecule in neuropathological progressionNeurobiol Aging. 2019 Jan;73:41-49

  2. Lv Y, Meng B*, Dong H, Jing T, Wu N, Yang Y, Huang L, Moses R, O'Malley B, Mei B*, Li X*. Up-regulation of GSK3β Contributes to Brain Disorders in Elderly REGγ-knockout Mice. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2016; 41(5):1340-9  

  3. Dong Z, Yan L, Huang G, Zhang LY, Mei B, Meng B*(2014) Ibuprofen Partially Attenuates Neurodegenerative Symptomsin Presenilins Conditional Double Knockout Mice. Neuroscience ,270(2014): 58–68

  4. YH Yan, LL Zhang, TL Zhu, SN Deng, BK Ma, H Lv, XY Shan, HD Cheng, KL Jiang, TT Zhang, B Meng, B Mei*, WG Li*, Fei Li*, Reconsolidation of a post-ingestive nutrient memory requires mTOR in the central amygdala, Mol Psychiatry (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-020-00874-5

  5. Q Song, B Meng, HD X, and ZX Mao, The Emerging Roles of Vacuolar-Type ATPase-dependent Lysosomal Acidification in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Transl Neurodegener,2020. May 11;9(1):17

  6. H Wan, Q Wang, X Chen, Q Zeng, Y Shao, H Fang, X Liao, HS Li, MG Liu, TL Xu, M Diao, D Li, B Meng, B Tang, Z Zhang, L Liao*, WDR45 contributes to neurodegeneration through regulation of ER homeostasis and neuronal death. Autophagy. 2020 Mar;16(3):531-547

  7. TL Zhu, YH Yan, SN Deng, YM Liu, HR Fan, BK Ma, B Meng, B Mei*, WG Li*, F Li*, Methyleugenol counteracts anorexigenic signals in association with GABAergic inhibition in the central amygdala, Neuropharmacology 141 (2018) 331–342 
