






研究方向: 社会应激&抑郁症


李世佳博士,华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院副教授,心理学系副系主任,德国奥尔登堡大学生物心理学博士,德国马格德堡大学医学院和莱布尼茨神经生物学研究所临床影像学博士后,荷兰唐德斯脑、行为、认知研究所访问学者,研究方向社会应激和抑郁症。在Human Brain Mapping, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Journal of Affective Disorders,等著名国际期刊发表论文数十篇,主持多项国自然和省部级课题。擅长使用生物学技术和手段研究心理学问题,重点关注基因、人格等因素对压力应对、社会适应和决策的影响的行为和生理机制,社会压力相关的心理疾病(如抑郁症等)的病理机理,近年来重点关注儿童青少年的大脑发育、社会适应和心理健康。教授《Frontiers in Biological Psychology: Stress, Brain and Mental Health》上海市全英文建设课程,在业余时间担任《新发现》杂志“世说心语“专栏作者和果壳网签约科普作者。著作《解密压力时代:应激、大脑与心理健康》(上海教育出版社,2020即将出版),合作编著《疫路心防:用温暖照亮前方》和《重启生活:疫后心理重建指导》(上海教育出版社,2020)。







  • fMRI&fNIRs

  • 压力诱导和决策任务;

  • 基因、生理、心理测量等


1. Xiangyi Zhang, Shijia Li#, Yongfang Liu, Xiyou Chen, Xuesong Shang, Fangzhu Qi, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiuyan Guo & Jie Chen. Gain–loss situation modulates neural responses to self–other decision making under risk. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9 (632) (#equal as 1st author)  

2. Yaling Deng, Shijia Li#, Renlai Zhou and Martin Walter. Neuroticism Modulates the Functional Connectivity From Amygdala to Frontal Networks in Females When Avoiding Emotional Negative Pictures. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2019. (accepted, #equal as 1st author)

3. Shijia Li, Jun Tang, Yan Gao, Christiane M. Thiel, Oliver T. Wolf. The serotonin transporter gene variants modulate acute stress-induced hippocampus and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex activity during memory retrieval. Psych Journal. 2019. (accepted)

4. Yaling Deng#, Shijia Li#, Renlai Zhou, Martin Walter, Motivation but not valence modulates neuroticism dependent cingulate cortex and insula activity, Human Brain Mapping, 2018. 39(4):1664-1672 (#equal as 1st author)

5. Shijia Li, Liliana Ramona Demenescu, Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed, Anna Linda Krause, Coraline D. Metzger, Martin Walter, Novelty seeking and reward dependence related large-scale brain networks functional connectivity variation during salience expectancy, Human Brain Mapping, 2017, 38(8):4064-4077

6. Bin Zhang#, Shijia Li#, Chuanjun Zhuo, Meng Li, Adam Safron, Axel Genz, Wen Qi, Chunshui Yu, Martin Walter, Altered task-specific deactivation in the default mode network depends on valence in patients with major depressive disorder, Journal of Affective Disorders, 2017, 1;207:377-383. (#equal as 1st author)

7. Thomas Liebe, Shijia Li, Anton Lord, Lejla Colic, Anna Linda Krause, Anil Batra, Moritz A. Kretzschmar, Catherine M. Sweeney-Reed, Gusalija Behnisch, Björn H. Schott, Martin Walter, Factors influencing the cardiovascular response to sub-anesthetic ketamine – a randomized trial, International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, 20(11):909-918.

 8. Shijia Li, Riklef Weerda, Christopher Milde, Oliver T. Wolf, Christiane M Thiel, ADRA2B genotype differentially modulates stress-induced neural activity in the amygdala and hippocampus during emotional memory retrieval, Psychopharmacology, 2015, Vol.232(4): 755-764.  

9. Shijia Li, Riklef Weerda, Christopher Milde, Oliver T. Wolf, Christiane M. Thiel, Effects of acute psychosocial stress on neural activity to emotional and neutral faces in a face recognition memory paradigm, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2014, Vol.8(4):598-610

10. Martin Walter, Shijia Li, Liliana Ramona Demenescu. Multistage drug effects of ketamine in the treatment of major depression. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2014. Vol.264, Suppl 1:S55-65

11. Shijia Li, Liliana Ramona Demenescu, Anna Linda Krause, Kolja Neubacher, Marie Wölfer, Björn Langbein, Martin Walter, Neurobiological Augmentation of Psychotherapy in Treatment Resistant Depression, Journal of Depression and Anxiety, 2014, S2:002

12. Shijia Li, Riklef Weerda, Friederike Guenzel, Oliver T. Wolf, Christiane M. Thiel. ADRA2B genotype modulates effects of acute psychosocial stress on emotional memory retrieval in healthy young men. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 2013. Vol.103: 11–18





硕士生: 9(包括MAP
